Student Success Plan

At CDS, we are working to support student success in the areas of Literacy, Math, and Well-Being.

Literacy Goal:

To develop skilled, critical independent readers and writers who acquire, create, connect, and communicate meaning through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Specifically, teachers will use the reading-writing workshop model to make instructional decisions for individual students to inform instruction.

In reading, it is our goal, through small group instruction to have all students strengthen reading behaviors and show growth in their reading skills. In writing, we are focusing on explicit instruction to ensure students have a strong understanding of writing behaviors in the areas of ideas, organization, language use, and conventions.

Math Goal:

Students will develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts from which they will develop procedural fluency, strategic competence, and adaptive reasoning. Specifically, teachers will explicitly teach, model, and practice problem solving with their students, increase communication within the classroom, and design activities to foster student engagement, risk-taking, and productive struggle.

Well-Being Goal:

Cobequid District Elementary will be a safe, welcoming, inclusive, and culturally responsive environment where each student feels a sense of belonging and engages in habits that promote well-being. Specifically, all staff will work together to create a school environment where all students feel valued, safe, and a sense of belonging. Students will see themselves represented in the school and strive to do their best because they feel their best. Also, families will feel connected to the school as opportunities are provided to them to see into the school and be in the school without stress or pressure.

As the process continues we will keep you up to date with our progress and where we are in terms of meeting our end goal in the monthly newsletters and during SAC meetings each month.

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